Adventures on a veggie bus

Peace and blessings family,
Alana and Jason here, we are sending out an email update on our great adventure into the mystery. Wow, what a journey we are on.
Many moons have passed and we are still fully in the mystery. Its amazing the leap of faith it takes to sell off all most everything, buy an old school bus/rv, convert it to veggie oil and head south. We spent 3 months following the bread crumbs of synchronicity until we landed in Costa Rica and began living la Pura Vida. We were blessed with a beautiful house-sitting gig that has landed us on a mountain in the jungle. It gave us a chance to unload the bus and lighten our load. Now we are here networking with intentional communities as we find our perfect fit. Its kind of like searching for a soulmate, we get to know the community and see if we resonate, then we say thanks we’ll be back and check out the next one until we find the one that gives us that sweet butterfly in your stomach feel and feeds our spirit. Last weekend we went to a Creating Intentional Communities Workshop and that gave us a whole lot of fuel for our fire, so this next month we’ll be back on the road again checking out the whole country and finding our perfect climate. We’re going to a regional rainbow gathering next week and then headed north to Nosara. Beaches, jungle, waterfalls, friends, and organic food abound here and we are feeling so blessed. Thanks for being who you are, we so appreciate you and how you have touched our lives. May all beings come into harmony.
One love,